August: Garrett enlisted in the Military, he will be leaving for basic training in January and he will be gone for about 5 months. You must be thinking how did this come about? Well we kept feeling it was the right choice, so we prayed about it, went to the temple and know it's the best choice for our family right now. And on the flip side, Garrett found a job until he leaves. He works for a pest control company, he is there salesman and goes around passing flyer's to promote the business, but also goes to all these out to lunch job meetings. Which I must confess, free lunch all the time, what a great deal! However; personally, I don't like bugs and don't want to deal with them. So I 'm glad he gets to do the dirty work and it's not me!

September: We had the opportunity to go up to Utah for Chase's farewell (Garrett's youngest brother). It was so much fun! We loved visiting with friends and family, and for me it was nice because I felt like I got to know my new nieces and nephews more. Also, it was so great to gain stronger relationships with my in-laws. And of course I loved seeing my family too, it was so nice of my dad and Debbie to put together a dinner for Garrett and I. Thanks to my wonderful friends who dropped there plans to go to a concert to come see me, you'll never understand how much that meant! We enjoyed seeing the mountains and all the green and especially going to Cole's soccer game and not dying of heat. The weather was just perfect! I must say that we loved every minute of our vacation. I even made the comment right before we were leaving for the airport that if our flight got canceled or delayed I really wouldn't mind staying.(LoL) To bad it didn't happen and reality set back in. September was also the first time Garrett and I spent a weekend apart, I went to St. George with my mom to go see Ryan and Kim. I missed Garrett alot, but I was able to spend quality time with Kamree and Cole and it was definitely needed.

October: Time really flies and sadly I feel like January will be here before I know it. Which I'm dreading, because that means that Garrett goes to boot camp! However; great things have happened this month that I must share. First to start this all out, we had a great conference weekend. It was so wonderful to hear all the talks and have goodies and lots of food in between. I must say, that I literally lived in the kitchen that weekend. It started out Friday night, by making Navajo tacos with homemade Navajo bread. Then early Saturday morning, I made homemade cinnamon rolls from scratch. YES, from scratch and they were yummy, yummy! For dinner Thai food, which I learned from my brother Ryan and his amazing wife Kimberlee. Sunday, scones and then I made a die for cake called, "darn good chocolate cake", which the name says all.... So now you understand what I mean when I say I "lived" in the kitchen.
So besides our fun conference weekend, we have went hiking, just a few weeks ago we hiked squaw peak and was able to see the whole valley. It was tough and very steep, but all worth it when we got to the top. I struggled towards the end, but my cute hubby was there to cheer me on even though I didn't have my happy face on. It just showed me that marriage is hard, but if we stick together we can get to the top and see beautiful ending. And that's how we kind of feel with the Army situation right now, we both now it will be hard at times, but in the end it will all be worth it. So to get to the good news, I will be graduating this December from MCC and will continue on with my bachelors in Early Childhood Education. I just got accepted to Ottawa University and will officially start my program in January. If all goes according to plan I will be finished in one year, (spring 2011) but that means alot of hard work in between. I'm very excited to finally be moving forward and seeing results, it's a great feeling of accomplishment.

Now that I've basically told you our whole life story for the last three months, I wanted to write about something that happened one year ago today, October the 14. Garrett and I became reunited and our lives together started. It was such a great day, even though I didn't see it coming nor did I think that he'd be the man I marry, but the moment I opened my front door to let him come inside, I knew that I couldn't let him go! Thanks Garrett for a great year together, your my best friend, my shoulder to cry on and the person I look forward to seeing everyday! Your the best hubby ever, Love u... Love T!